Tuesday, September 11, 2007

14 weeks progression pic

Hi everyone! Well, you can't really tell yet, but the belly is starting to take form. My pants are fitting snugly and my stomach is getting tight. It's weird in the morning because one side tends to puff out more than the other. Then it evens out as the day goes on. I am feeling a bit better and haven't been going to bed at 6pm anymore! LOL! New baby pic to follow after my checkup tomorrow.


gina said...

cute photo! glad you're doing them, it is fun for everyone to watch you grow :)

don't worry about the weight gain, i didn't gain any until 20 weeks--7 pounds in 4 weeks! And it was uphill from there.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Gina's sister Ginger (I have met you a couple times) I am so excited for you, Gina didn't even tell me you were pregnant! I love to stalk baby blogs, Congrats! I am excited to watch as you grow and see the baby. What a blessing!!!
Ginger Gibbs