Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Things

We went over to the Hedden's home for our "Monthly Dinner With School Friends" dinner thing that we do monthly. And.......

Coops found the Lord.
It was Baby Cameron's Daddy's Birthday and the old man was able to blow out all his candles in one breath without losing his dentures. Kudos, old guy, kudos.

Cameron is like 3 years younger than Coops and already is as big.

Coops sits on the couch and politely waits his turn to get his tacos.


Anonymous said...

Loove, just absoulutely loooove the first picture so hilarious!!


The Heddens said...

great post!!!!

The Lopez's said...

what a funny photo of Cooper. How did you get him to do that?

Gina Ferrara said...

lol!!!!!!!!!!! i wonder what stella gracie's mom will comment about this post. not sure which blog makes me laugh harder, stella's or coop's

Susan said...

I hope Cooper didn't throw his back out on that first picture!