Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tummy Time

Every day, Coop gets tummy time to work on holding his head up. Little dude is getting pretty good at it now.


Gina Ferrara said...

Baby Blue Eyes is cuter and cuter every week.

Susan said...

Look at him! Cooper will be looking for people to arm wrestle pretty soon! He's a strong one!

Susan said...

The girls and I were looking at the blog and Emma said,"Look! It's Baby Uncle Cooper."

Familie de Geus said...

We're ready to see some one armed push ups!

The Heddens said...

thump, thump!

(that was baby bean. he says good job, Coop)

The Heddens said...

Hey Coop! Thanks for the packages! Bean's already snuggled up to his blankie. (thank your mom and dad for us too! a thank you card is on the way....)
Happy (early) 2 months you little cutie!