Cooper's Thoughts: "Yep, I'm two months old and I'm smilin'. You'd be smiling too if you saw what these two do day in and day out. The Lady One can be pretty funny sometimes...if the mood catches her right. The Guy One is just plain weird.

The Lady One goes on and on about how much of a cutey I am. I don't know...whatever. The Guy One keeps saying I'm going to be a "lady killer"...whatever that means. He says with these blue eyes I'm going to be a chick magnet and that he should take me to the park. The Lady One gives him dirty looks when he says such things. Anyway, staying with my jovial mood, I decided to give something back to all the ladies who come to my blog. Enjoy ladies.

That's right...soak it in. Calvin Klein is talking with my agent as we speak about putting me on a billboard in Times Square. You can't start too early if you want to make it as an underpants model. The Coop has left the building."
Too cute.
Dana L.
Happy 2 months, Cooper! You ARE a cutey!
Watch out NYC! Coop is taking over! Look at those abs! Swoon!
Coop's commentary takes first prize in the land of blogger world.
I imagine Coop will be modeling the latest infant Speedo at Astoria Pool this summer?
What a bod! Killer abs!
this baby is just so precious and cute. I like the blurb that goes with the pictures. Keep it up/
A. Leveda
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