Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Meetings

We are continuing to enjoy introducing Cooper to all his family in Florida this week. Here are cousins Sara and Emma seeing "baby Cooper."
Great grandparents from Titusville (Maw Maw and Paw Paw) drove through yesterday. Coop decided to take a little rest from all the excitement and sleep on Grandma.

This isn't a first meeting, I just thought it was cute. :) My dad is teaching Coop about sailboats and fishing.


The Lopez's said...

Aww-Cooper is surrounded mostly by females-he's a chick! Glad you guys are adjusting back to FL so quickly & smoothly! Serena just missed you guys by 3 days! But I'm sure she'll meet you guys some day soon! Take care!

The Heddens said...

Happy 5 months Cooper!!!! See ya soon little buddy!