Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10 Months

Cooper's Thoughts: "I'm 10 months old. Finally, I'm double digits. It would also appear that my love of all things frogs has grown into an unhealthy obsession. Not only are they on my clothes, but they are also all over my room. I might need to see a therapist about this.

Good news, though, I have learned how to ruin these photograph sessions by closing my eyes. It's a timing thing. Took only 10 months for me to master. Look out world.
This is where I can really relax and focus on my music. This item is a combination keyboard, guitar, drums, sax and microphone. I think I'm ready to try out for that America's Next Top Iron Extreme Makeover Idol show...or whatever it's called. Coop out."


The Fraioli Family said...

Yay! Happy 10 months Coop!


The Heddens said...

Happy 10 months little man!!!

Susan said...

Can't wait to hear you jam Coop!

The Lopez's said...

Happy 10 months. Wow, how time flies-before you know it, cooper, you are gonna be ONE!