Friday, March 14, 2008

Two Weeks Old

Cooper's Thoughts: "You're probably asking 'hey Coop, what's wrong, buddy?' Get this, my cord fell off and the Lady One got all excited and said we can finally take a "bath". I thought nothing of this until I saw the look on the Guy One's face. He seemed.....scared.
Baths suck. All my future friends, avoid these things at all costs. I don't get it...they could tell how much I did not like this, but they persisted. They even smiled and laughed while, again, the Guy One took pictures.

Finally, the terror ended. I'll tell you this right now, I will never take another bath as long as I live. There, I said it. NEVER!!!

Oh...this. The Guy One likes to kiss me. I'll tell you, if you like kisses from porcupines that dress like an out of work lumberjack, then look this guy up. To get him to stop, I'll latch myself to his nose. I don't think he's taking the hint as everyone just laughs. He will rue the day when my teeth come in. The Coop has left the building."


Unknown said...

Take a little hint from me, Coop. If you go (...and you know what I mean by go, right) in the water, they'll take you outta that water faster than you can mess up a diaper. Try it. Works wonders! Love, Sara

The Heddens said...

Coop, I know your Dad is a boob head, but you are not gonna get a meal from that schnoz. We can't wait to meet you in person little guy!

Familie de Geus said...

First of all, compliments on a good lookin belly button.
If your folks try anymore of that "bath" business, you call me. I'm right up the block. We can't let them pull a stunt like that again!

gina said...
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gina said...


Anonymous said...

Poor baby. Do not torture him any more---use lots of wipes and listerine (a la great great uncle Victor Kolmetz).

He looks a bit like President George Bush in the crying picture.

so glad he is doing well and you are enjoying him.

A. Leveda

Anonymous said...

You know what Coop, I have the best idea about the "bath" business.Just pretend you are asleep and, I mean deeply, when it comes to bath time. The trick should also work for the "Kissing" guy one. Just fall asleep after 5 when he is on his way back home n all weekend when he hung around. When they turn their back then hit it off with Granny. It'll work buddy. Whe u need more tricks wisper @me. Love Joseph