Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cooper Smiling...Kind Of

Well, Cooper smiles and laughs alot these days. That is until the camera comes around. This boy is what we call camera shy. However, Mommy was able to capture one of Coop's favorite things to do...punch Daddy. He smiles a little for us here. Usually, though, he thinks this is the funniest thing in the world.

Mommy has better luck making some silly, silly sounds.


Susan said...

The camera loves Coop! Get that boy an agent! He's so versatile too! We saw Muhammad Ali in one scene knockin sense into his Daddy and Popeye winking and flirting with Mommy in another. You can tell his parents are actors!
Uncle Marcus and Aunt Susan

The Heddens said...

great videos. Ski, you might wanna think of a new way to make him laugh. can you imagine him walking up to you in 5 years and knocking you out with an unsuspecting right hook? love that shirt he is wearing too. anyone else catch that?

Familie de Geus said...

Cooper's got a great sense of humor!I mean Lauren's "mama, dada, goo goo" material is good's classic. Cracks me up every time. And punching dad in the may not get a laugh everytime but come on, that's about as fun as it gets.
He's so precious.